130813 Ha Ji Won Signs with UTA, Home to Johnny Depp

Ha Ji Won is making some big steps for her career as local news agencies report on her signing with UTA.

UTA is one of American’s biggest and influential labels, home to top stars likeJohnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Anthony Hopkins, Ewan McGreggor, Channing Tatum, Liv Tyler, James McAvoy, Gwenyth Paltrow, Celine Dion and more.

Ha Ji Won’s signing with UTA marks the first time the agency has met with a Korean actress. It draws even more attention since it’s not just a simple lovecall but an actual contract signing. Ha Ji Won has recently met with the casting director and other important people of the agency, which is said to be very rare in Asia.

This seems to be the start of Ha Ji Won’s entrance to Hollywood. Close insiders commented, “Ha Ji Won is an actress who always challenges herself, which is why she signed with UTA. It is the starting point of Ha Ji Won’s activities that leaps over Asia and goes into the rest of the world.”
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