Davichi‘s Kang Min Kyung recently joined her fellow Korean celebrity peers Girls’ Generation‘s Taeyeon and 2AM‘s JoKwon by creating an account on Instagram, the ever-popular photo-sharing app that allows users to choose from a select number of romantic filters to enhance their photos.
The singer and model simply shared an Instagram photo on twitter with the caption, “!!!!!!!” to announce that she had joined the very popular social networking app.
So far, Kang Min Kyung has uploaded three photos on her Instagram: two photos that were taken on a night out for dinner and the last photo taken while she visited the ENT clinic.
If you want to follow Kang Min Kyung, her Instagram account username is iammingki!
The singer and model simply shared an Instagram photo on twitter with the caption, “!!!!!!!” to announce that she had joined the very popular social networking app.
So far, Kang Min Kyung has uploaded three photos on her Instagram: two photos that were taken on a night out for dinner and the last photo taken while she visited the ENT clinic.
If you want to follow Kang Min Kyung, her Instagram account username is iammingki!
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